He teaches that salvation is by grace, that grace is a free gift, and that grace is based on a work of God–just as the Bible teaches.īut despite all of this, MacArthur’s “grace” is different from the Bible’s grace. It’s very deceptive, which is why he is able to fool so many people. So, salvation is based on you being a good person (Lordship Salvation), but your becoming a good person is based solely on the grace of MacArthur’s god. This act of “grace” results in you becoming a good person and being made worthy of salvation. MacArthur’s god chooses you apart from your own choice, and then regenerates you (again, apart from your own choice). What MacArthur taught us was that we were saved by “grace,” but grace was not Christ’s saving death on the cross (as the Bible teaches), but saving grace is the Calvinistic doctrines of unconditional election and irresistible draw. For example, a cult will say that they believe in Jesus, but it’s a different Jesus then the historical Jesus of the Bible. They enjoy using Biblical terminology, but mean something completely different by it. But what MacArthur did was to redefine “grace” so that it was something different then the Biblical grace. When I was a member of John MacArthur’s church (back in the 1980s), we were taught that we were saved entirely by grace, and that grace was completely free–just as the Bible teaches.

I wanted to contribute to this conversation on the grace of God. From my friend Michael Branda, who gave me permission to re-print his post about Grace to You church, Sun Valley, CA, pastored by John MacArthur.